Фирма "ROTA YOKAGAWA GMBH & CO.KG", Германия
калибровочная лаборатория
Invalid accreditation certificate
- Date of granting accreditation (initial accreditation)
- Apr 17, 2006
- Validity of accreditation certificate
- Apr 17, 2006 - Apr 17, 2011
Standart identification: СТБ ИСО/МЭК 17025-2007 (ISO/IEC 17025:2005)
Current status of accreditation certificate: withdrawn в связи с окончанием срока приостановления действия аттестата аккредитации
Date of accreditation status change: Jan 21, 2013
Legal entity
- Full name
- Фирма "ROTA YOKAGAWA GMBH & CO.KG", Германия
- Regulator
- Location address
- Postfach 20, D-79660, Rheinsrasse 8, D-79664, Wehr, Germany
- Registration number in the unified state register
- Position of the Legal entity`s Head
- Name of the Legal entity`s Head
- M.Blochlinger
- Phone
- Fax
- E-mail
Conformity assessment body
- Full name
- калибровочная лаборатория
- Location address
- Postfach 20, D-79660, Rheinsrasse 8, D-79664, Wehr, Germany
- Position of the CAB Head
- Name of the CAB Head
- Georg Giesen
- Phone
- Fax
- E-mail
The last decision of the Technical Commission on Accreditation on this accreditation certificate:
Decision of the Technical Commission on Accreditation No 77 of Jan 21, 2013
- Full scope of accreditation
- Condensed scope of accreditation
Масса (жидкости или газа), массовый расход (жидкости или газа), объем, объемный расход, температура, плотность (расходомеры)