Note: following the requirements of the national legislation of the Republic of Belarus, templates of the documents for applicants and accredited bodies are prepared in the Russian language and are available here.
The list of templates below is provided for information purposes only.
Forms of accreditation documents for laboratories
General documents for all laboratories:
Testing/measuring laboratories:
Medical laboratories:
Laboratories performing calibration:
Laboratories performing verification:
Form of the report on self-assessment of the management system for compliance with the requirements of STB 2542-2019
Form of the report on self-assessment of STB 2542-2019 on STB 2542-2021
The formation of the draft of the scope of accreditation of laboratories is carried out in accordance with Appendix 2 to the Accreditation Rules, taking into account the requirements of working instruction RI SM 7.8-02 (for testing and medical and calibration laboratories), RI SM 7.8-04 (for verification laboratories).
Assignment of codes for the scioe of activity in the field of conformity assessment is carried out in accordance with the working instruction RI SM 7-05.