New fields of accreditation

The scope of accreditation activity is constantly evolving due to changing needs of customers who assess the conformity of new products, services and/or processes.
In the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus, the accreditation criteria are the requirements of basic standards put into effect in the form of state (STB) and/or interstate standards (GOST). Direct application of an international standard is allowed in the absence of a state or interstate standard identical to the current version of the international standard. Thus, the basis of accreditation activities are the requirements of modern international standards.
Below is a list of international standards, the implementation of which is promising in terms of ensuring the competitiveness of modern production, taking into account the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as taking into account the trends in the development of science and technology:
Other ISO/IEC standards relevant for application by conformity assessment bodies can be found on the official website of the ISO Committee on Conformity Assessment CASCO.
Current work programs on state standardization can be found on the Gosstandart website.
Shoudl there be a need to implement any standard which is not currently applied in the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus, do not hesitate to contact BSCA (


Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belarusian State Centre for Accreditation” (State Enterprise “BSCA”)

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