Accreditation сriteria

BSCA performs assessment of competence of CABs conducting conformity assessment, among them:

Criteria of BSCA scope of activities, accreditation schemes of laboratories (testing, calibration, medical), certification bodies (products and services, management systems, persons), inspection bodies (A, B and C type), proficiency testing providers are set in PL SM 4.6.1 Policy on scope of BSCA activity and accreditation schemes

Official publications of the relevant state (STB), interstate (GOST), as well as international and regional standards can be obtained from the Belarusian State Institute of Standardization and Certification.

As a signatory to ILAC Mutual Recognition Agreement in the field of testing, calibration, medical examination, inpection, proficiency testing providers, BSCA follows the requirements set in ILAC mandatory documents which are enlisted in Annex 1 to PL SM 4.6.1. While accrediting CABs BSCA follows the requirements of ILAC documents given in annexes to PL SM 4.6.1 for corresponding types of CABs: laboratories, inspection bodies, certification bodies, proficiency testing providers.

ILAC and IAF documents are available in the original at ILAC and IAF sites. Translations of documents are located in IS Accreditation, you can also get them at BSCA on request.

Lists of Resolutions of ILAС and IAF General Assemblies are published at their official sites:


Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belarusian State Centre for Accreditation” (State Enterprise “BSCA”)

220033 Minsk, Velozavodskaya Str. 6, r.2

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